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Javascript Online Training

Home/Javascript Online Training

Javascript Ec6 Online Training

In this course, you will learn about JavaScript data types, built-in methods, and variables.

About Lakshman Veti

Lakshaman Veti has about 10+ years of experience working in IT across different domains.


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Course Information
Duration 3 weeks [6 days per week]
Slot 6:30AM-7:30AM IST
Mode LIVE Online Training
Join Goto Meeting
Demo Day-1 & Day-2
Downloads Materials, Workspace, Applications etc
Price 2,500 INR

Course Curriculum

Topics Time
Introduction 01:00:00
In this course, you will learn about JavaScript data types, built-in methods, and variables.
Conditionals 01:15:00
Learn how to use if, else if, else, switch, and ternary syntax to control the flow of a program in
Functions 01:00:00
Learn about JavaScript function syntax, passing data to functions, the return keyword
Scope 01:00:40
Learn about global and block level scope in JavaScript.
Hoisting 01:15:00
Learn about default behavior of moving declarations to the top.
Arrays 01:00:00
In this course, you will learn about arrays, a data structure in JavaScript used to store lists of data.
Loops 01:00:00
In this course, you will learn how to use for and while loops to execute blocks of code multiple times.
Iterators 01:30:00
In this course, you will learn how to use iterator methods to simplify the process of looping over arrays.
Objects 01:00:05
Learn about JavaScript ES6 object syntax to model real-world items.
Classes 01:08:26
Learn how to create classes and use inheritance to minimize redundancy in your code.
Browser Object Model 01:06:45
Learn about browser Object Model i.e window, location, navigator, screen, document etc.
Modules 01:00:00
Learn how to use JavaScript modules, a way to define reusable logic in your programs.
JavaScript Promises 01:00:00
Learn how to write asynchronous JavaScript with the Promises Syntax.
Async-Await 01:00:00
Learn about asynchronous programming and leverage promises in JavaScript.
Requests 01:00:00
In this course, you will learn the benefits of asynchronous JavaScript properties. You will create
calls to various APIs using four different techniques.
JSON 01:15:00
Learn about Javascript Object Notation and its uses
JS Versions ES5, ES6 01:15:00
Learn about new changes introduced in ES5 (ECMA Script 2009) and ES6 (ECMA Script 2015)


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