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AWS Developer Online Training

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About the AWS Developer Online Training Course

The AWS Developer Online Training Course: A lot of organizations from different sectors are already using the Cloud for deploying their applications and doing data processing. The current situation has increased the pace of the Cloud adoption further. Cloud enables them to use the software and hardware infrastructure on a rent-only-basis from the Cloud vendors like AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure and GCP (Google Compute Platform). This will lower their CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) costs and spread the costs over multiple years. Any Cloud usage is very much like renting a car than buying a car (less of CAPEX).

So, the question is “Why AWS” when there are multiple Cloud vendors like GCP, Alibaba, Azure, Digital Ocean and others? AWS had been the pioneer in the Cloud space and has the largest market presence. The market share of AWS is more than GCP and Microsoft Azure combined. AWS has a huge customer base and is continuously increasing.

The reason why AWS is so popular is that they have a lot of services to offer and their infrastructure is spread all over the world. This makes the application development, maintenance easier and also makes sure that the applications are highly available in times where customer expect a service to be “always-on”. Think of Hotstar or Netflix or Ola being down for a few hours.

This course covers from the basics of what is Cloud, the different types of Cloud and all the way till developing the applications for the Cloud and make sure they meet the requirements of the Customers. The course has a perfect balance of theoretical concepts and practicals. And once we get comfortable the AWS building blocks we would be doing two projects and sharing ideas for many more projects. These projects are very similar to what we do in real-time. The Course will make you get ready for AWS related openings.

Some of the salient features of this course are

  • 30 hours of live interactive using Zoom
  • Session Recordings are provided
  • Nice balance between theory and practice
  • Good number of projects in the course
  • A unique way of conducting the sessions
  • Thought by an industry renowned expert

About Praveen Sripati

Praveen Sripati has about 2 decades of experience working in IT across different domains and customers in different countries. He has worked with TCS, iGATE, Bank Of America and others. He has experience working on a wide range of technologies and had been working on AWS Cloud and Big Data related technologies for the last 5 years.

What Will You Learn from the course?

  • Introduction to Cloud and AWS
  • Amazon EC2
  • Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • SDK and CLI (Different ways of interacting with AWS)
  • Security Management in AWS using IAM
  • Networking and Monitoring Services
  • Applications Services and AWS Lambda
  • Database Services and Analytics
  • Configuration Management and Automation
  • Discussion on Project and Certification


  • Basics of Linux (if required, the same can be covered in the course also)
  • Lot of enthusiasm to learn new things
Course Information
Duration 5 weekends [Saturday, Sunday]
Slot 7:00AM-10:00AM IST
Mode LIVE Online Training
Join Goto Meeting
Demo Day-1, Day-2
Downloads Recordings, Materials, Workspace, Applications etc
Price 10,000 INR
Course Curriculum

1. Introduction to Cloud and AWS

Brief Introduction: We will start with what is Cloud, pros and cons of Cloud, the different types and how to create an account with AWS and get quickly started with it. This module is mainly for those who are new to the Cloud.


  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • Pros and Cons Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Computing ecosystem
  • Cloud deployment and service models
  • AWS Global Infrastructure and its benefits
  • AWS Regions, Availability Zones, and Edge Locations
  • Different AWS Services
  • Ways to access AWS Services: AWS CLI, AWS SDK, AWS Management Console


  • Creating an Account with AWS
  • Quick demo to get feel of AWS (details in the upcoming modules)
    — Launch a Linux EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) through AWS Management Console and connect to it
    — Create an S3 (Simple Storage Service) bucket through AWS Management Console and upload data to it

2. Amazon EC2

Brief Introduction: EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is the widely used and most popular AWS service. EC2 is a virtual server in the AWS Cloud and it takes a few minutes to create a server in the Cloud, without the need for months to buy and set up the hardware and the software. In this module we will see how to create an EC2 instance, connect to it and deploy applications.


  • KeyPairs (for Authentication)
  • Security Groups (for firewall changes)
  • Start, stop and terminate an EC2 Instance
  • Launch Templates
  • AMI (Amazon Machine Images)
  • Instance Store
  • EBS and its types
  • EFS
  • EBS vs EFS vs S3
  • EC2 pricing models for cost optimization


  • Host your website inside EC2
  • Create an AMI
  • Create an Elastic IP
  • Attaching an EBS volume externally
  • Creating EBS snapshots
  • Mount EFS volumes

3. Load Balancing, Auto-Scaling, and Route53

Brief Introduction: With the Cloud it makes it possible to add more and more servers automatically based on the requirement. During the holiday season, an e-commerce site can have more servers and rest of the time a few servers. This is called AutoScaling. In this module we will look at AutoScaling and the relevant features like Load Balancers. We will also cover Route53 which is a DNS (Domain Name System) Service from AWS.


  • Elastic Load Balancer and its types
  • Advanced features of ELB
  • Comparison of Classic, Network and Application Load Balancer
  • Auto-Scaling and components of Auto-Scaling
  • Lifecycle of Auto-Scaling
  • Working of Route 53
  • Various Routing Policies


  • Create a Classic Load Balancer
  • Create an Application Load Balancer (with path-based routing)
  • Auto-Scaling and Scaling policy
  • Point a domain name to EC2 via Route53 and Freenom

3. Simple Storage Service (S3)

Brief Introduction: S3 is a storage service very similar to Dropbox and Google Drive where we can create folders and files and share them with others. This can be used to take backups, to store media and much more. In this module, we will explore the different features of S3 and how it is used with applications.


  • About S3 buckets
  • Versioning of S3 objects
  • Storage classes in S3 (performance optimization)
  • Life cycle policy in S3 (cost optimization)
  • CRR (Cross Region Replication)
  • AWS Global Accelerator
  • Storage Gateway and its types
  • Snow Devices


  • Life Cycle Management
  • Hosting a Static Website on Amazon S3
  • Versioning in AWS S3
  • Replicating data across regions
  • S3 Transfer acceleration
  • Upload a file to AWS S3 through a Website
  • Accessing a static website through Cloud Front

4. SDK and CLI (Different ways of interacting with AWS)

Brief Introduction: AWS provides different ways of interacting with AWS. All the way we have explored the management console (browser way) of doing things. In this module we will explore the SDK and CLI way of interacting with AWS.


  • About the AWS CLI
  • About the AWS SDK (Java and Python)


  • Installing the AWS CLI and creating different resources
  • Setting up Boto3 (AWS Python SDK) and creating resources
  • Setting up AWS Java SDK and creating resources

5. Security Management in AWS using IAM

Brief Introduction: In AWS it’s a shared responsibility model (AWS and Customers). The infrastructure security is taken by AWS, while the application level security is taken by customers. In this module, we will cover the best practices around security in AWS and how it can be applied at different layers.


  • User management through Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • IAM policies across AWS Services
  • Creating custom policies
  • Access Keys and Roles
  • MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)
  • KMS (Key Management System)
  • Shield and WAF (Web Application Firewall)
  • Best practices for IAM
  • CloudTrail for auditing


  • Create new users who can log in to AWS console
  • Create Access Keys for an application to access S3
  • Create role for an application to access S3
  • Create custom policies to restrict user access
  • Login to AWS console via MFA
  • CloudTrail

6. Networking and Monitoring Services

Brief Introduction: AWS provides a “Logically Isolated Network” called VPC (Virtual Private Cloud). This will enable us to create different environments for production-development, customer-a and customer-b, application-a and application-b etc. This way our applications in AWS are much more secure. This module covers various aspects of VPC and how to use the same.


  • What is VPC
  • Private and Public Subnet
  • Basics of IPv4 and IPv6
  • CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
  • VPC Components
    – IGW (Internet Gateway)
    – NATGW (NAT Gateway)
    – SG (Security Group) and NACL (Network Access Control List)
    – Routing Tables and Routes
  • Direct Connect and VPN


  • Creating VPC with Private and Public Subnets
  • Creating EC2 and deploying applications in a VPC
  • VPC Peering across two different VPC

7. Applications Services and AWS Lambda

Brief Introduction: Till now it had been about infrastructure services like S3 (for storage), EC2 (for computer), VPC (for networking). In the module, we will explore the application services like SES (for sending emails), SNS (for notifications), SQS (for queuing). These make the application building easier and the applications also fault-tolerant. We will also explore Lambda which is the new way of building applications based on the Serverless model.


  • AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
  • AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  • AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service)
  • Amazon Event Bridge
  • AWS Lambda and StepFunctions
  • AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)


  • Send an email through AWS SES
  • Send notification through SNS
  • Send an e-mail through Lambda when an object is added to S3
  • Shrink an image (thumbnail using Lambda)

8. Database Services and Analytics

Brief Introduction: Every application needs a database to persist data. AWS provides a range of databases from RDBMS to NoSQL, to meet the specific requirements. In this module, we will explore the different databases AWS has to offer, and also we will try to integrate with applications.


  • Amazon RDS (RDBMS)
  • Aurora Database
  • Neptune (Graph Database)
  • DynamoDB (NoSQL Database)
  • ElastiCache – Redis vs Memcached (InMemory Database)
  • Amazon RedShift (Data Warehouse)
  • Kinesis: AWS Kinesis Data Streams, AWS Kinesis Data Firehouse
  • AWS Athena (Serverless Analytics Engine)


  • Storing application data in MySQL DB using Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • Using ElastiCache for speeding web sites
  • Visualize the web traffic using Kinesis Data Stream
  • Analyze CSV data in S3 with Athena
  • Setting up on WordPress on EC2 with RDS database integration

9. Configuration Management and Automation

Brief Introduction: Cloud allows us to create infrastructure on-demand in minutes. But, they are a lot of resources/components that have to be created for the sake of creating an application. Creating them manually is prone to errors and is also time-consuming. In this module, we will explore the different ways of automating resource creation and management in AWS.


  • Infrastructure as Code
  • CloudFormation and its components
  • Templates and Stacks in CloudFormation
  • Creating Stacks from Templates
  • Introduction and Components of AWS OpsWorks
  • Introduction and components of Elastic Beanstalk
  • Beanstalk v/s OpsWorks v/s CloudFormation


  • Creating an EC2 with Security Group using CloudFormation
  • Creating CloudFormation templates from Scratch
  • Deploy a Web Application using Elastic Beanstalk

10. Project and Certification

By now, we would be having a good understanding of building blocks of AWS (EC2, S3, RDS, etc). Now, we are ready to do projects on AWS. We would be doing two projects on AWS which are close to real-life projects and would be integrating different AWS services.

We would also be sharing information for about 30 different AWS projects with detailed instructions for the participants to work offline after the completion off the training.


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